Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What hard work is - Chris

I have been coming to New Orleans for 3 years now. Every year I have dealt with the same burning question that has plagued my mind: What is hard work? I have heard many different definitions of what work truly is from many different people. Yet despite my friends input, I have been unable to define it for myself. During my time down here I have participated in a wide variety of projects. They have ranged from changing light bulbs to moving mountains of moldy cat food. Each has had different aspects to them that make me further ponder what hard work truly is.
For example this week I helped out at the Community Center of Saint Bernards where I supplied food to elderly members of Saint Bernards Parish. This raised the question: is hard work determined by the benefit you provide for people? I also helped out at Animal Rescue New Orleans which demanded much of my focus as I was being constantly ordered on what food was to be given to which dog. Is hard work defined by how much mental energy is given?
Yet today, I believe that I discovered today what hard work truly is. I started off in Blaire Grocery where my group and I added onto a 15 ft high pile of compost. It was dirty work, but more importantly it was tiring. By the time we were done with the compost pile I was not sure if I had anything left in me and to add onto my feeling of fatigue, we were called to help with the construction of a garden for the Latino Farmer's Co-op. I was not the only one tired. Beyond my group which had been working hard all morning, the group that was building the garden was completely wiped out by ripping up stumps. This work proved grueling, and there were points that I was not sure if I could continue to give it a hundred percent. Yet at least if put to rest my question.
I realize now that hard work is something simple. It is the point when you can physically give no more. When you can look back and say to yourself that you wasted no effort and would not have changed your effort level if you had been given the chance.

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